‘Twas the night before Black Friday and all through the land
Savvy shoppers stayed home, stating, “In long lines, I won’t stand!”

We’ve got the tech! From our homes, we can shop,
Getting all of the deals for the gifts we will swap.

So after the feast of Thanksgiving was through,
Our shoppers planned what online stores to go to.

Tasty treats, playful games and connected devices,
Joyful consumers exclaimed, “Can you believe these great prices?!”

But alas, our poor shoppers were caught unaware
By nefarious scammers who also lurked there.

User names and passwords were there for the taking
As phishers sent links about sales they were faking.

Hence, before you log on, take 5 minutes of time
learning how to avoid falling victim to crime.

Keep all your devices patched and updated
So that plans to use malware will be quickly deflated.

Using free public Wi-Fi is easy and common,
But avoid it ‘cause bad guys are often eavesdroppin’!

Don’t use passwords that can be easily cracked.
Use longer passphrases that are harder to hack.

If a deal seems like it’s too good to be true
Or if you get a strange email out of the blue,
Look for details that show something’s adjusted.
And only click links that you know can be trusted.

If to these safe online practices, you can commit
When targeted with scams, you’ll be set to outwit.

Be mindful this season and to these teachings, please stick.
Happy Holidays to all and to all a safe click.

AuthorEmily Phelps